Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

One of brushing the teeth to make cavities

Brushing teeth is an excellent way for a lot of health recommended by doctors especially for small children to be trained in performing routine dental brush your teeth in order to stay healthy and not hollow, but make no mistake even though we've been doing a toothbrush regularly but without regard way fixed to the teeth brushed it will cause holes or crust on the teeth.Usually the error is not realized in doing a toothbrush that is

. The timing was not right, suggested in doing toothbrush morning after breakfast in the morning and at night before bed, but is otherwise anyone doing toothbrush in the morning before eating it was the little habits that can cause cavities.

. In addition to the time associated with tooth brush the wrong way can also cause cavities such as for example brushing the front teeth should be the way up and down, but in fact often do them right laterally left.

. Do not brush your teeth after eating sweet foods.

According to Dr. Mirah said to be able to know your teeth are healthy or not is by looking at your teeth cavities or not if it is true then you are considered unhealthy teeth, Are you one of the criteria that the bad habit of doing a toothbrush, if true then the need you change the habit

Tips Sehat 

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